Park and recreation professionals bring communities together. Whether an annual parade, weekly farmers market visit or daily walk in the park, parks and recreation provides opportunities for members of the local community come to together and connect with one another.
Feeling connected to others is important for all ages. Millennials are more likely than adults overall to feel connected to their communities by having their children participate in activities such as summer camp or after-school programs. Unfortunately, baby boomers and those making less than $35,000 per year felt the least amount of connection to their local community.
Key Findings:
- 87 percent of U.S. adults have activities that make them feel more connected to their local community.
- Attending local events/festivals/parades, shopping at the local farmers market and visiting the historical areas in their area rank as top ways in which the public feels most connected with their local community.
- Virtually all parents (96 percent) agree activities exist that make them feel more connected to their local community. Attending local events/festivals/parades and having their children participate in programs locally are the top activities where parents feel most connected.
- Millennials are more likely than adults overall to feel connected to their communities by having their children participate in activities such as summer camp or after-school programs (40 percent vs. 19 percent, respectively).
- Those identifying as Hispanic are much more likely than those identifying as Black or white to feel community connection through participating in fitness or educational classes (44 percent vs. 28 percent and 24 percent, respectively)
- More than a quarter of individuals making less than $35,000 per year and 24 percent of baby boomers indicate not feeling a connection to their local community