Park and Recreation Professionals Day is Friday, July 21, 2023!
As part of Park and Recreation Month, we are celebrating Park and Recreation Professionals Day on Friday, July 21. This is a day to celebrate all the dedicated professionals who build strong, vibrant and resilient communities through the power of parks and recreation.
On Friday, July 21, we encourage all park and recreation agencies to host an event celebrating their staff. Be sure to share how you're celebrating with us on social media by tagging NRPA and using #NRPAParkandRecDay!
Promote the celebration in your own community and create a tribute to those who selflessly deliver high-quality experiences and opportunities and keep our parks clean, safe, welcoming, inclusive and ready to use.
Park and Recreation Professionals Day originally began with the Pennsylvania Recreation and Park Society (PRPS) as a statewide celebration in 2019, and we're taking it nationwide again this year! You can read the full concept of Pennsylvania’s Park and Recreation Professionals Day here, as well as listen to this 2020 episode of Open Space Radio to hear Tim Herd, CEO of PRPS discuss the idea behind the day and how you can join the celebration:
Park and Recreation Professionals Day Proclamation
Proclaiming the third Friday in July (July 21, 2023) as Park and Recreation Professionals Day is an opportunity for your community and local leadership to acknowledge the importance of park and recreation professionals and the benefits they provide to your community. Having July 21 proclaimed as Park and Recreation Professionals Day is also a great way to create community and media awareness for the essential services your staff provides.
Every locality has its own policies on how to get a proclamation commemorating something (or someone) approved. Below is an outline of the usual process and tips on how to get July 21 declared Park and Recreation Professionals Day in your community:
1. Determine who has the authority to make the proclamation
- Usually, this is a local elected official: mayor, city council, board of supervisors, parks and recreation commission, school board, etc. You may also want to ask around to see if there is an existing process for proclamations.
2. Determine who should ask for the proclamation
- The strongest case for having July declared as Park and Recreation Month in your local community would come from a voter (a member of the general public) rather than an elected official.
3. Create the proclamation
4. Start now!
Park and Recreation Month is Sponsored by: