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NRPA Connect is an online network with 64,000 professionals to answer your questions, share your challenges and discuss trending topics in the field. Check out what is being discussed this month:
Traditional holiday events during a pandemic – An NRPA member has asked the community to share ideas about hosting traditional holiday events during a pandemic, including events like trick-or-treating, parades and breakfast with Santa.
NRPA members offered the following suggestions:
We will do a drive-through trick or treat at our complex the night before Halloween (in order to not conflict with neighborhood drive-through trick or treats), a downtown Halloween scavenger hunt the week prior to Halloween where we will hide a small pumpkin at a different business each day and give clues on our social media on where to find it, and a virtual pumpkin carving/decorating contest where citizens can pick up a decorating kit from our facility, and then email us photos of their creations [that] we will then post on social media.
Typically, we do a “Scarecrow Kingdom,” in which we have [approximately] 100 scarecrows on our town green [where] families can gather ([this part is] not allowed this year) and decorate them. Instead, we will be having our local business association take the scarecrows and decorate them for display at their business. Then, we will have clues to where they are at (sort of scavenger hunt style) so families can still do something together without being around so many people. We hope they will take pictures and share on the business associations’ and our Facebook pages.
Our Halloween Extravaganza is transforming from a traditional trick-or-treat walk through a residential neighborhood to an event with volunteer groups being masked, gloved and costumed handing out wrapped candy using “no touch” methods of distribution. They place the candy on a tray, plate or basket and allow kids to take the candy with no contact. We are looking at changing our Christmas Parade to an “upside down parade.” The floats would be stationary along the street and cars with spectators would drive past and view them. We still are trying to figure out Santa in the Park visits and photos.
Log in to NRPA Connect today to share ideas or chime in to the discussion.