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Do you have a great idea for a session or want to share your expertise with other park and recreation professionals and advocates? Is there an experience that you or your agency can share to benefit your park and recreation peers? You can share your ideas and experiences by speaking at the 2021 NRPA Annual Conference in Nashville, Tennessee, September 21–23, 2021.
Beginning December 1, 2020, you can submit your education session proposals for the 2021 conference. Speakers are encouraged to present original content that promotes participant interaction. Speakers also should be energetic and engaging to inspire a diverse audience that is passionate about parks and recreation, health, equity, conservation, landscape architecture, city planning and more.
These audience members are united in their passion to make communities great places to live, work and play. We are looking for speakers who can build on that passion and inspire even greater impact on communities nationwide.
The deadline to submit your proposal is January 8, 2021 (11:59 p.m. EST). Learn more at