Crossword Puzzle

January 1, 2017, Department, by National Recreation and Park Association

Parks Recreation Crossword 410

Test your park and recreation knowledge and download NRPA's monthly crossword puzzle! Browse vertical and horizontal clues below.

After completing the puzzle, check the answers to the crossword. As an added bonus for completing the crossword, you can enter a drawing to win an "I’m a Park and Rec Kid" Build-A-Bear when you check your answers. A winner will be randomly selected and notified on January 31, 2017.


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1 NRPA's crowdfunding platform for park and recreation agencies, 3 words
7 Urban ____, revitalizing a city's concrete jungle, for example
10 Environmentally friendly color
13 Payable
14 Adds plants and trees to a space
20 Dawn time
21 Important parks workforce
26 School transport
27 Roman 12
28 NRPA produces education and ____ initiatives to enrich the communities served
30 Location
32 Protecting open spaces, connecting chuldren to nature and preserving natural resources
36 Insect that is a symbol of industry
37 Manage
39 Conifer secretion
40 Rain ____ , planted depressions that slow and filter runoff water



1 Terrarium plant
2 No vote
3 Hard wood tree with red berries
4 Website symbol
5 Pooch with a wrinkly face
6 Plants that grow in marshy areas
8 Very long time
9 Stomach muscles
11 Continent of Madrid and Paris, abbr.
12 Volleyball obstacle
15 Two-man operation
16 Golf group, for example
17 Dogs and cats
18 Sleep out under the night sky
19 Animation
22 Hazel or cashew
23 Go into unknown territory
24 Area of land
25 Places a new tree in the ground, for example
29 How we want our air and water
31 It was used in the past for navigation
32 SUV or hybrid
33 Low number
34 Chill (out)
35 Mother Teresa, for one
38 Initials of a Canadian province