Test your park and recreation knowledge and download NRPA's monthly crossword puzzle!
After completing the puzzle, click here to check the answers to the crossword. The winners will be randomly selected and notified December 31, 2017.
1 Location of the DOD 2017 Warrior Games
5 Word used with duty or pride
8 Miss. neighbor
9 Current chair of the NRPA board
Leon T. ____, Jr.
10 Sticky substance from a tree
11 Name ___ (at a conference)
12 Head sculptures
13 Connection
15 Unit of pressure
16 Golden state
17 Buy in a hurry (2 words)
20 Pastor’s title
22 National initiative showing the value of parks on the health and wellness of communities, ____ Community, 2 words
23 Computer dept.
25 “Xanadu” rock band
26 Camera brand
27 Dove sound
28 Japanese dish
29 Pours out
1 Seashore
2 Deep blue
3 It’s often tree-lined, abbr.
4 Haven
5 Golfer’s transports
6 Park users
7 Subject of vital concern for the Next 100 Coalition — and all of us
12 Riversides
14 Anger
16 Louisiana’s state tree — it’s a fir
18 Cutting back a plant or tree
19 Health and Wellness, Social Equity and Conservation are NRPA’s Three _____
21 Structures in some parks
24 Land area
26 Hawaiian greeting