Applicable to all phases of the Safe Routes to Parks initiatives and can be used as a complement to the framework and your desired outcomes.
Safe Routes to Parks resources from Safe Routes to School National Partnership
Resources: Safe Routes to Parks resources including fact sheets, audit tools, webinars focused primarily on safe connections to parks.
Contents: Over 10 resources
Source: Safe Routes to School National Partnership
Racial Equity Toolkit: An opportunity to operationalize equity
Toolkit: Evaluating and creating a plan that promotes racial equity
Contents: 28 pages
Source: The Government Alliance on Race and Equity
Complete Parks Playbook
Guide: Creating a fully utilized park system that is integrated into the community’s built environment
Contents: 25 pages
Source: ChangeLab Solutions
Parks, Trails and Health
Guide: Facilitating collaboration between planners, park and recreation professionals and health practitioners
Contents: 32 pages
Source: National Park Service
Building Healthy Streets
Guide: For public health professionals to create healthier, safer streets
Contents: 52 pages
Source: ChangeLab Solutions
Rejuvenating Neighborhoods & Communities Through Parks - a guide to success
Guide: Park improvements with case studies
Contents: 72 pages
Source: National Recreation and Park Association
A Citizen’s Guide to Better Streets
Guide: Engaging transportation agencies
Contents: 92 pages
Source: Project for Public Spaces
A Resident’s Guide for Creating Safer Communities for Walking and Biking
Guide: Assisting citizens in identifying traffic problems, taking action, and finding solutions
Contents: 100 pages
Source: Federal Highway Administration
Safe Routes to Parks Fact Sheet
Fact Sheet: Key strategies concerning the park, park access, and infrastructure from a planning perspective
Contents: Brief
Source American Planning Association
Creating Safe Park Zones for Communities in Illinois
Case Study: Guide to Safe Park Zones in Illinois
Contents: 21 pages
Source: Active Transport Alliance
Partner with community organizations and community members during all stages of the process.
Implementing Photovoice in Your Community
Toolkit: Using photography to promote social change
Contents: In depth
Source: Community Toolbox, University of Kansas Work Group for Community Health and Development
Every Body Walk! Collaborative Social Justice Toolkit
Toolkit: Encouraging community engagement by framing as social justice initiative and making effective stories
Contents: 20 pages
Source: Every Body Walk!
Community Planning Toolkit
Toolkit: Community engagement planning including in person engagement ideas (pg. 11-23), and marketing (pg. 9-10)
Contents: 24 pages
Source: Community Planning Toolkit (Community Places)
Encouraging Involvement in Community Work
Toolkits: Promoting diverse participation
Contents: Links to 8 toolkits with more specific focuses
Source: Community Tool Box, University of Kansas Work Group for Community Health and Development
Healthy Parks Healthy People Community Engagement eGuide
Guide: Engaging the community, includes case studies
Contents: 41 pages
Source: National Parks Conservation Association
Media and Visibility
Guide: Using news media to promote a program
Contents: Links to 8 brief pages
Source: Safe Routes to School
Collaboration Multiplier
Framework: Selecting and engaging partners, identifying activities to achieve a common goal, detailing partner perspectives and contributions, and leveraging expertise and resources.
Contents: Brief
Source: Prevention Institute
Developing Effective Coalitions: an eight step guide
Framework: Engaging individuals, organizations and governmental partners
Contents: 32 page and 2 page versions
Source: Prevention Institute
Self-Assessment Toolkit for Partnerships
Toolkit: Choosing, creating and carrying out a partnership
Contents: 102 pages
Source: Engage: East Midlands, local UK planning organization
Creating and Maintaining Partnerships
Toolkit: Creating a partnership among different organizations
Contents: In depth
Source: Community Tool Box, University of Kansas Work Group for Community Health and Development
Partnerships for Parks
Guide: Key considerations when planning, developing and assessing partnerships
Contents: 36 pages
Source: The Urban Institute
Planning and Public Health Terms for Planners & Planning Terms for Public Health Professionals
Fact Sheet: Definitions of public health and land use planning terms
Contents: 4 pages
Source: American Planning Association
Plan4Health Peer Learning Network
Online Tool: Networking for planners and public health professionals
Source: Plan4Health, an APA Project
Breaking Down Barriers - Parks and Recreation Connecting with Public Health
Article: Park and recreation professionals working with public health professionals
Contents: Brief
Source: Parks & Recreation magazine
Making the Case: Parks and Health
Toolkit: Communicating with elected officials and the public about the importance of parks for public health
Contents: Links to 6 resources
Source: National Recreation and Park Association
Columbus, OH
Case Study: Creation of a Chronic Disease Prevention Advisory Board
Source: Plan4Health, an American Planning Association Project
Understand community priorities based on data and community input.
Parks and Trails Health Impact Assessment Toolkit
Toolkit: Judging a project’s potential effects on the health of a population and the distribution of those effects within the population
Contents: In-depth
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
National Environmental Public Health Tracking Network
Online Tool: Map and data on environmental health measures including people within a half mile of a park by county
Contents: 21 data types
Source: Centers of Disease Control and Prevention
Mapping and Data Resources
Online Tools: Several mapping tools for community health and park data
Contents: 11 mapping tools
Source: National Recreation and Park Association
Health Data Tools and Statistics
Resources: Health data from the county, local and other levels
Contents: Over 100 sources
Source: Partners in Information Access for the Public Health Workforce
Metrics for Planning Healthy Communities
Toolkit: Assessing, measuring, monitoring and reporting progress toward healthy planning goals
Contents: 26 pages
Source: American Planning Association
Safe Routes to School By the Numbers: Using data to foster walking and biking to school
Guide: Making data related to walking, biking and active communities usable and accessible
Contents: 40 pages
Source: Safe Routes to School National Partnership
Creating a Health Profile of Your Neighborhood: A how-to guide
Guide: Creating a health profile with national data sources
Contents: 7 pages
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Evaluating Complete Streets Projects: A guide for practitioners
Guide: Measures and metrics for project evaluations of Complete Streets projects
Contents: 49 pages
Source: Smart Growth America
CDC Data & Benchmarks
Resources: Characterizing community health
Contents: Over 20 sources
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Community Health Inclusion Index
Assessment: Measuring inclusion in an organization, site and community
Contents: 24 question macro-community assessment, 81 question on-site assessment, 64 question organizational assessment
Source: National Center on Health, Physical Activity and Disability
Bike Network Analysis Score
Assessment: Mapping project that scores and maps bike stress in 299 US cities on connectivity to recreation, community services and more
Source: PeopleForBikes
Low-Stress Bicycling & Network Connectivity
Research: Traffic stress and connectivity for bicycling
Contents: 84 pages
Source: Mineta Transportation Institute
Level of Traffic Stress Criteria Research
Article: Traffic stress and connectivity
Contents: Brief
Source: North Carolina Department of Transportation
Bicycle Stress Map
Case Study: Mapping tool for traffic stress
Source: Montgomery County Planning Department
Residential Traffic Guidebook
Case Study: Citizen guidebook of traffic terms, policy action requirements and community participation
Contents: 62 pages
Source: City of Bellevue Transportation Department
Safe Routes to Parks Walk Audit Tool
Direct Observation Assessment: Assessment tool and guide for planning and conducting a walk audit specific to parks
Contents: 3 page and 1 page checklists
Source: Safe Routes to School National Partnership
Pedestrian Mobility and Safety Audit Guide
Guide: Informing volunteer auditors on issues related to pedestrian safety with pictures and sample questions
Contents: 48 pages
Source: AARP/Institute of Transportation Engineers
Community Data and Evaluation
Resources: Pedestrian count, safety trends, infrastructure inventories, and project evaluations
Contents: Links to guides, audits, and case studies
Source: Walk Friendly Communities
Environmental Assessment of Public Recreation Spaces Tool (EAPRS)
Direct Observation Assessment: Physical elements and functionality of parks and playgrounds
Contents: 59 page assessment
Source: Active Living Research
System for Observing Play & Recreation in Communities (SOPARC)
Direct Observation Assessments: Physical activity in parks by gender, age, and ethnicity
Contents: 2 page data path coding form, 1 page mapping data collection street
Source: Active Living Research
Path Environmental Audit Tool (PEAT)
Direct Observation Assessment: Physical characteristics of community trails and paths
Contents: 27 page assessment
Source: Active Living Research
Community Park Audit Tool (CPAT)
Direct Observation Assessment: Park access, facilities related to physical activity, park safety and quality
Contents: 28 question checklist
Source: Active Living Research
Physical Activity Resource Assessment Instrument (PARA)
Direct Observation Assessment: Facilities related to physical activity
Contents: 1 page assessment
Source: United States Department of Agriculture
Quality of Public Open Space Tool (POST)
Direct Observation Assessment: Checklist on public open space features
Contents: 49 question checklist
Source: University of Western Australia
Recreation Facility Evaluation Tool
Direct Observation Assessment: Checklist for conditions of medium sized recreation facilities in Southeast US
Contents: 5 page checklist
Source: Arnold School of Public Health, Prevention Research Center
Bridging the Gap Community Obesity Measures Project (BTG-COMP)
Direct Observation Assessments and Policy Coding Tools: Physical activity and nutrition assessment of parks, streets, master plans, etc.
Contents: 12 tools, each 3-6 pages
Source: Bridging the Gap, Research Informing Policies and Practices for Healthy Youth
Walk Friendly Community Assessment for Teens
Direct Observation Assessment: Checklist on neighborhood walkability
Contents: 1 page checklist
Source: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Microscale Audit of Pedestrian Streetscapes (MAPS)
Direct Observation Assessment: Checklist on pedestrian environment and walkability in neighborhoods
Contents: 1 and 5 page checklists
Source: University of California, San Diego
Pedestrian Environment Data Scan (PEDS)
Direct Observation Assessments: Environmental factors affecting walkability
Contents: 35 question assessment
Source: Active Living Research
Active Neighborhood Checklist
Direct Observation: Checklist on street-level neighborhood features related to physical activity behavior
Contents: 2 page checklist
Source: Active Living Research
ADA Checklist for Existing Facilities
Assessment: Requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act
Contents: Multiple checklists, by recreational facility and general, ranging from 6-33 pages
Source: New England ADA Center
Environmental Supports for Physical Activity Questionnaire
Survey: Perception of social and physical environmental in relation to physical activity
Contents: 5, 11, and 27 question versions
Source: Arnold School of Public Health, Prevention Research Center
Pedestrian Environmental Quality Index (PEQI)
Android Mobile App: Integrating walkability data and displaying data on a Google Maps
Source: Center of Occupational and Environmental Health at UCLA
Use of Google Street View to Assess Environmental Contributions to Pedestrian Injury
Research: Using Google Maps to assess environmental contributions to pedestrian injury
Contents: 8 pages
Source: American Journal of Public Health
Walk This Way
Article: Conducting a successful walk audit
Contents: Brief
Source: Parks & Recreation magazine
Parks and Recreation Areas Self-Report Survey
Survey: Urban adolescent perception of the parks they frequent the most
Contents: 14 page survey
Source: Active Living Research
Neighborhood Environment Walkability Survey (NEWS)
Survey: Neighborhood conditions, accessibility, safety and satisfaction
Contents: 7 page and 6 page abbreviated survey
Source: Active Living Research
Active Where? Survey
Survey: Surveying parents with children and the children themselves on physical activity and behavior, perception and usage of parks
Contents: 3 surveys, each 24-26 sections, 350+ questions, use applicable sections
Source: Active Living Research
Twin Cities Walking Survey
Survey: Physical activity, perception of exercise and neighborhood, and demographics
Contents: 28 sections, 350+ questions, use applicable sections
Source: Active Living Research
Develop priority areas, set goals and specific actions, identify policy improvements, and integrate into agency and jurisdiction plans and policies.
Developing Strategic and Action Plans
Toolkit: Creating an action plan and overview of the steps involved
Contents: In depth
Source: Community Tool Box, University of Kansas Work Group for Community Health and Development
Creating Walkable + Bikeable Communities
Guide: Developing pedestrian and bicycle master plans
Contents: 52 pages
Source: Initiative for Bicycle and Pedestrian Innovation
Complete Streets in the States: A Guide to Legislative Action
Guide: Enacting state-level Complete Streets policies and providing information to assist in local-level advocacy efforts
Contents: 56 pages
Source: Smart Growth America
Metropolitan, Statewide & Non-Metropolitan Planning
Fact Sheet: Role of metropolitan planning organizations, the metropolitan transportation plan and transportation improvement program
Contents: In depth
Source: Federal Transit Administration
The Healthy Comprehensive Plan Assessment Tool
Online Tool: Assessing the strength of health-related policies within a comprehensive plan
Contents: Brief
Source: ChangeLab Solutions
Seattle, WA
Case Study: Master plan evaluation of park perception and usage, partnerships, funding models, and proposals
Contents: 187 pages
Source: Seattle Parks and Recreation
Smart Growth Implementation Kit
Toolkit: Assessing projects using the smart growth approach
Contents: Audits for policy, zoning, strategy builders, smart growth score card
Source: Smart Growth America
Advocacy Resources
Resources: Influencing policy and persuading members of Congress to act
Contents: Links to fact sheets, toolkits, guidelines and more
Source: National Recreation and Park Association
Simple Preventative Maintenance Leads to Sustainable Practices
Article: Key areas to focus on for a preventative maintenance program
Contents: Brief
Source: Parks & Recreation magazine
People Make Parks
Resources: Interactive ways to get feedback from children an
Contents: Links to 12 community engagement idea toolkits
Source: People Make Parks
Put plans into action and ensure that those actions are based on best practices in engineering, design and programming.
Healthy Spaces & Places: Design Principles
Fact Sheets: 10 design principles that affect park usage including connectivity, safety and aesthetics
Contents: Links to 10 brief pages
Source: Australia Healthy Spaces & Places
Aesthetics and Performance Evaluation of Post-Industrial Public Parks
Research: Effects of aesthetic changes in post-industrial parks on usage and includes case studies
Contents: 126 pages
Source: University of Arkansas
Association of Park Size, Distance, and Features With Physical Activity in Neighborhood Parks
Research: Park features, such as trail types, correlation with physical activity
Contents: 6 pages
Source: American Journal of Public Health
The Potential of Safe, Secure and Accessible Playgrounds to Increase Children's Physical Activity
Research: Impact of accessibility to playgrounds on increased physical activity and usage
Contents: 8 pages
Source: Active Living Research
Aesthetics in the Landscape
Article: Impact of aesthetics on people’s response to their environment
Contents: Brief
Source: Architecture Media, Australian Institute of Architects
Park & Trail Accessibility Design Guideline
Case Study: Enhancement plan for park and trail design
Contents: 58 pages
Source: Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority, Malibu, CA
Build a Green Bike Lane
Toolkit: Painting a Bike Lane
Contents: Brief
Source: Better Block Foundation
Slowing Down Traffic
Fact Sheets: Design and street tools to slow traffic
Contents: Links to different types of street designs for traffic calming
Source: Safe Routes to School
Engineering and Design for Walk Friendly Communities
Resources: Sidewalks, crosswalks, bridges, traffic signals, and traffic calming
Contents: Links to resources and case studies
Source: Walk Friendly Communities
Tactical Urbanism
Resources: Using Pop-Ups to make safer routes
Contents: 3 page guides
Source: Safe Routes to School National Partnership
Benefits of Street-Scale Features for Walking and Biking
Research: Benefits of street-scale features and physical activity
Contents: 15 pages
American Planning Association
Complete Streets: Best Policy and Implementation Practices
Case Studies: Complete Streets policies and implementation practices
Contents: 22 pages
Source: American Planning Association
Improving Pedestrian Access to Franklin Park
Case Study: Changing pedestrian entrances and crossings to increase safety
Contents: 38 pages
Source: Northeastern University
Physical Activity: Built Environment Approaches Combining Transportation System Interventions with Land Use and Environmental Design
Research: Connecting the built environment and transportation, good for convincing public health officials
Contents: 13 page report, promotional materials and other resources
Source: The Community Preventive Services Task Force
Chicago, IL
Case Study: Connecting 6 ground-level neighborhood parks with 3 miles of unused rail line
Source: The Trust for Public Land
Accessible Sidewalks & Street Crossings - an informational guide
Guide: ADA regulations concerning streets
Contents: 28 pages
Source: U.S. Department of Transportation
7 Principles of Inclusive Playground Design
Guide: 7 principles to consider when creating playgrounds for people of all ages and abilities
Contents: Links to the seven principles and best practices
Source: PlayCore
National Center on Accessibility
Resources: Promoting access and inclusion of all people with disabilities in parks, recreation and tourism
Contents: Links to case studies, research and resources on universal design and more
Source: National Center on Accessibility, Indiana University - Bloomington
Recreation and the Americans with Disabilities Act
Article: ADA history, access audit and its challenges
Contents: In depth
Source: Parks & Recreation magazine
Fact Sheet: Signage problems and how to pick signage locations and types
Contents: Brief
Source: Project for Public Spaces
Helpful Hints for Creating Great Park Signage
Article: Creating a park signage system and signage types
Contents: Brief
Source: Parks & Recreation magazine
Signage & Wayfinding Plan
Case Study: Wayfinding plan and public meeting notes
Contents: Brief
Source: Anchorage Trails
Best Management Practices
Case Studies: Best management practices in urban parks (pg.26-31)
Contents: 64 pages
Source: National Park Service
Walk This Way
Guide: Developing community and individual walking program
Contents: 44 pages
Source: The American Council on Exercise
Using Social Media Marketing to Promote Physical Activity and Health and Wellness in Parks
Guide: Using social media to promote physical activity
Contents: 4 pages
Source: National Recreation and Park Association
Organize a Fitness Event
Toolkit: Creating and sharing a successful fitness event
Contents: In depth
Source: Corporation for National & Community Service
Step it Up!, Surgeon General’s call to Action on Walking and Walkability
Resources: Promoting walkability and walkable communities
Contents: Links to a partner guide, infographic and more
Source: U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
Walk With a Doc
Case Study: National program where people can walk with a doctor and learn about a current health topic in parks
Source: Walk With a Doc
Serving Diverse and Special Populations at Your Aquatics Facility
Article: Including diverse populations with aquatic facilities
Contents: Brief
Source: Parks & Recreation magazine
Low-Risk Programming to Build Healthy Communities
Article: Creating low-risk programming to determine the best programs for an agency
Contents: Brief
Source: Parks & Recreation magazine
Case Study: Activating African-American woman and girls through a national health movement to lead walking campaigns, communities, and health advocacy
Source: GirlTrek
Minneapolis, MN
Case Study: Using outreach workers to create programming and survey community members in order to promote safety and physical activity
Source: Minneapolis Department of Health and Family Support
Taking Back the Streets & Sidewalks
Guide: Effects of crime and violence, strategies to prevent it, and action against it
Contents: 57 pages
Source: Safe Routes to School National Partnership
Strategies for Youth
Resources: Increasing the connection between police and children, and providing education resources for communities
Contents: Brief
Source: Strategies for Youth, Connecting Cops and Kids
Cultural Awareness Training Resources
Resources: Training videos, programs, and research on methodology effectiveness
Contents: 16 training and research resources
Source: Minneapolis Police Conduct Oversight Commission
The Law Enforcement Approach
Fact Sheets: Decreasing unsafe behavior with law and community enforcement
Contents: Brief
Source: Safe Routes to School
Camden, NJ
Case Study: Putting more police physically on the streets to build relationships
Source: National Public Radio
Creating Safe Park Environments to Enhance Community Wellness
Guide: Conducting a safety audit and information on design and perceived safety
Contents:4 pages
Source: National Recreation and Park Association
What Role Can Design Play in Creating Safer Parks?
Fact Sheet: Design and safety in a park
Contents: In depth
Source: Project for Public Spaces
Preventing Graffiti
Fact Sheet: Minimizing opportunities for vandalism
Contents: Brief
Source: Project for Public Spaces
Using Design to Reduce Crime
Article: Principles of Crime Prevention Through Environment Design (CPTED)
Contents: Brief
Source: Parks & Recreation magazine
San Francisco, CA
Case Study: Creation of a sidewalk mural and a community watch program
Source: Tenderloin Community Benefit District
Wolf Whistles and Creepy Compliments
Resources: Addressing street harassment with an aim toward harassment of children
Contents: Links to a guide, fact sheets, and talking points
Source: Safe Routes to School National Partnership
Stop Street Harassment
Resources: Graphics, media, articles and research on street harassment
Contents: Links to videos, graphics, articles, publications and more
Source: Stop Street Harassment
Resources: Street and public space harassment education
Contents: 8 links to teaching, research and policy resources
Source: Hollaback!
Research: Impact of a volunteer led walking group in an underserved community in terms of physical activity, health, and socio-economic indicators
Contents: 9 pages
Source: Social Science & Medicine
Seattle, WA
Case Study: Volunteer based walking program targeted for people over 50
Source: Seattle Parks & Recreation
Ypsilanti, MI
Case Study: Adopt-a-Park Program
Source: City of Ypsilanti
Ensure that efforts are continued, integrated into agency functions and are positively affecting the community.
Funding Complete Parks
Guide: Funding parks and recreation facilities in California
Contents: 33 pages
Source: ChangeLab Solutions
Generating, Managing, and Sustaining Financial Resources
Guides: Writing grants and other finance topics
Contents: In depth
Source: Community Tool Box, University of Kansas Work Group for Community Health and Development
Grant and Fundraising Resources
Resources: National Recreation and Park Association grants, fundraising learning resources, and independent resources
Contents: Links to current National Recreation and Park Association grants and independent fundraising resources
Source: National Recreation and Park Association
Creative Strategies for Financing Parks and Recreation
Article: 6 strategies for financing parks and recreation by involving community support, economic development, and entrepreneurial approaches
Contents: Brief
Source: Parks & Recreation magazine
Cities Finding Creative Ways to Fund Parks
Article: Innovative ways cities have funded their parks
Contents: Brief
Source: Next City
Getting the Wheels Rolling
Guide: Using policy to create bicycle friendly communities
Contents: 136 pages
Source: ChangeLab Solutions
Move This Way
Guide: Zoning and health equity policies
Contents: 80 pages
Source: ChangeLab Solutions
Framework: Evaluating different steps of implementing health behavior interventions
Contents: In depth
Source: RE-AIM
Evaluating the Impact of Complete Streets Initiatives
Guide: Measurement categories and tools (3-17) and an evaluation plan for a Complete Streets or similar program (pg. 18)
Contents: 25 pages
Source: Center for Inclusive Design & Environmental Access
Safe Routes to School Local School Project Evaluation Report
Guide: Evaluating a Safe Routes to School program
Contents: 44 pages
Source: Safe Routes to School National Partnership
Physical Activity Evaluation Handbook
Guide: Evaluating physical activity programs
Contents: 73 pages
Source: Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
Gettysburg, PA & Thurmont, MD
Case Study: Measuring and improving the impact parks have on health
Source: Penn State Abington
Los Angeles, CA
Case Study: Evaluation report on park use and physical activity
Contents: 105 pages
Source: RAND Corporation
Creating an MOU
Toolkit: Process of creating and what to include in an MOU
Contents: 11 pages
Source: Colorado NonProfit Association
Browse: Shared Use
Resources: Shared use with school districts and municipal organizations
Contents: Links to webinars, fact sheets, toolkits, case studies and more
Source: Safe Routes to School National Partnership
Unlocking Possibilities
Resources: Shared/joint use agreement and open use for play spaces
Contents: Links to resources on creating shared use agreements, addressing liability concerns and more
Source: ChangeLab Solutions