Grant and Fundraising Resources

NRPA periodically posts information about grants and fundraising opportunities available for park and recreation agencies, affiliated groups and nonprofits.
Our Three Pillars

On any given day, someone is positively affected through parks and recreation – whether they are taking a walk on a trail or fitness class at the community center, getting a nutritious meal or just reaping the benefits of clean air and water because of preserved open space.

NRPA's public policy team works every day to represent the cause of public parks and recreation at the federal level by fighting for funding and legislation that improves access to open space and recreational opportunities for all people
NRPA Awards

The National Recreation and Park Association awards programs highlight the efforts of those who go above and beyond to make a difference in the community.
Scholarships and Fellowships

Scholarships and fellowships provide recipients with the opportunity to explore the operation of NRPA at our Annual Conference. Each year, four Young Professional Fellowships, two Student Scholarships and two Diversity Scholarships are awarded.
Parks Build Community

NRPA's Parks Build Community is a national initiative demonstrating the transformative value of parks on the health and vitality of communities across America.

NRPA builds relationships with like-minded partners and allies to build strong, vibrant and resilient communities through the power of parks and recreation.

The National Recreation and Park Association is dedicated to providing resources to aquatics professionals operating swimming pools in every community.

The National Recreation and Park Association is dedicated to providing resources to professionals and advocates of playgrounds to help ensure the safety of playgrounds in every community.
Urban Parks

Urban parks serve as critical public places for recreation and civic engagement, essential to quality of life in urban centers. Parks help provide solutions to a myriad of national and community issues: providing healthy places to exercise, managing stormwater runoff and helping clean the air, catalyzing economic and community development, and providing safe, close to home recreation options. Join NRPA in the fight to ensure that every community has a great park.
Success Stories

NRPA’s Success Story Database is a collection of community-level stories from local park and recreation agencies across the country that have implemented successful strategies to improve the communities in which they live, work and play.
Volunteer with NRPA

Whatever your area of interest or expertise, NRPA offers a variety of ways to make meaningful contributions through committees, task forces, and other volunteer opportunities.
Grant and Fundraising Resources - updated

The National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) periodically posts information about grant and fundraising opportunities that are available for park and recreation agencies, affiliated friends group, and 501(c)(3) nonprofits. Please be aware that any opportunities listed under “Current NRPA Grant Opportunities” are sponsored through NRPA, all resources other opportunities are through outside agencies. Be sure to review the provided to support your funding journey! Find the funding opportunities you are looking for by using the “filter by” function on the right side of the page. Click the arrows next to “Categories”, “Projects”, and "Deadlines" to see the keywords you can use to filter by. Please note the project categories will change as new funding is made available. Be sure to check back often.