How Unlikely Hikers Is Creating Community and Belonging Outside — Episode 103
By Cort Jones | Posted on November 23, 2021
On the latest episode of Open Space Radio, we’re chatting with Jenny Bruso, founder of Unlikely Hikers, which is a diverse, anti-racist, body-liberating outdoor community featuring the underrepresented outdoorsperson.

Understanding Homelessness: The Extent, Causes and Local Solutions
By Austin Barrett and Allison Colman | Posted on November 12, 2021
Given the unique role that public parks play, it is important that park and recreation professionals understand the extent of homelessness, its root causes, how they can approach the issue with empathy and be a contributor to local solutions.

2021 NRPA Engagement With Parks Report Shows Support for Parks and Recreation Is Universal
By Kevin Roth | Posted on November 11, 2021
In its six years of publication, the NRPA Engagement With Parks Report has demonstrated that people in nearly every city, town and county across the U.S. place a high value on the programs and services that park and recreation professionals deliver to their local communities.

Youth Sports Program Planning
By Jason Schaitz, MBA, CPRE | Posted on November 10, 2021
Youth sports planning can come in many forms and most all plans are open and customizable to how your agency operates. Here are some tips on different plans you should have in place within your youth sports programs.

Breaking Down the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act
By Kyle Simpson | Posted on November 9, 2021
On Friday, November 5, Congress passed a historic investment in our nation's infrastructure via the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. These are some of the provisions that may be of interest to NRPA members.

Inspiring Others to Experience the Fullness of Their Humanity — Episode 102
By Cort Jones | Posted on November 9, 2021
On the latest episode of Open Space Radio, we're celebrating the #HikeYourTurf campaign with Merrell ambassador Mirna Valerio, a.k.a "The Mirnavator." Tune in as she discusses her passion for running and the outdoors, as well as what compelled her to begin sharing her story through her blog, Fatgirlrunning.