Who Participates in Summer Park and Rec Programs?
By Melissa May | Posted on November 30, 2016
The NRPA Research Team released the results of the Americans’ Engagement with Parks survey in October at this year’s NRPA Annual Conference in St. Louis.

Overtime Rule Delayed Indefinitely
By Oliver Spurgeon III | Posted on November 29, 2016
A federal judge in Texas issued a temporary injunction against the Obama administration’s looming overtime rule. In short, this means that employers across the country will no longer be responsible for complying with the overtime rule.

5 Tips for a Healthier Holiday Season
By Allison Colman | Posted on November 18, 2016
You may be thinking, “How can I make this holiday season a little bit healthier?” Don’t worry, NRPA has got you covered. Check out these five tips.

What the 2016 Election Means for Conservation and Green Infrastructure in the 115th Congress
By NRPA Public Policy Team | Posted on November 16, 2016
President-elect Donald J. Trump has outlined an ambitious agenda for his first 100 days covering issues focused primarily on immigration, national defense, job creation and security, and infrastructure.

People Celebrate Park Funding and Equal Access L.A. County Measure A
By Robert García and Cesar De La Vega | Posted on November 15, 2016
People across Los Angeles County are celebrating the recent passage of Measure A, the Safe, Clean Neighborhood Parks and Beaches Protection Measure of 2016. Measure A is expected to generate approximately $94 million per year for local parks, beaches and green space areas, replacing previous voter-approved park funds that were running out.

What the 2016 Election Means for Workplaces in the 115th Congress
By NRPA Public Policy Team | Posted on November 14, 2016
Now that the November elections are behind us, we can dive further into President-elect Trump’s ideas to update the tax code, overturn certain workplace regulations, and empower families. Below you’ll find a quick overview of President-elect Trump’s plans to increase wages, lower taxes, and cut through red tape.

What the 2016 Election Means for Healthcare in the 115th Congress
By NRPA Public Policy Team | Posted on November 14, 2016
Now that the November elections are behind us, we can look a little further into President-elect Trump’s healthcare plans and dive into his ideas about keeping Americans healthy. Below, you’ll find a quick overview of President-elect Trump’s plans for the ACA and healthcare integration during the next administration. This note only scratches the surface of what issues may arise during the upcoming Congress, but it’s clear that park and recreation agencies’ preventative health efforts will continue to play a critical role as the next administration works to provide better care at a lower cost for all Americans.

A Park Superintendent, NRPA Board Member and Immigrant’s Take on the Election Results
By Jesús Aguirre | Posted on November 14, 2016
Many of us awoke on Wednesday with some sense of bewilderment about the national election results. As an immigrant to this country from Mexico, as the father of two teen-aged boys and of a daughter with significant special needs, I continue to struggle with understanding how to reconcile the results of a campaign that very overtly brought hateful, racist, misogynist, nationalist, and xenophobic language into our daily existence. On a personal level, I continue to struggle with that.

What You Need to Know about the Election and Park and Rec
By NRPA Public Policy Team | Posted on November 4, 2016
After nearly two years of speeches, interviews, town halls, primaries and caucuses, Americans of all stripes will soon participate in our grand democratic tradition and cast their votes for President, Congress, and various local candidates and referenda. For many Americans, the days remaining before we head to the polls must seem like an eternity and can’t come soon enough. But, for the NRPA Public Policy Team, this is our Super Bowl which – in the case of electing a President – only occurs once every four years.

EPA Environmental Justice Action Agenda: Major Steps Forward, and Opportunities for More
By Robert García | Posted on November 4, 2016
Robert García, NRPA Board Member, Founding Director and Counsel of The City Project, and guest writer Marianne Engelman Lado, Clinical Professor of Law at Yale Law School and Senior Staff Attorney at Earthjustice, share their insight and expertise on the impact of the EPA’s EJ 2020 Action Agenda on civil rights and environmental justice.

Four Things I Learned Being a Conference Speaker
By Kirsten Barnes | Posted on November 3, 2016
Speaking has offered me an opportunity to attend conferences that might otherwise not have received budget approval, and it has given me an opportunity to meet some amazing people who have become mentors and lifelong friends. What I didn’t anticipate was how the process of writing a session proposal, preparing to present and connecting with my peers would truly impact me as a professional.

What Community Resilience is All About
By Roland Richardson | Posted on November 3, 2016
Across the country, park and recreation agencies play a critical role in fostering the type of community cohesion that is necessary for building resilient communities.

Q&A: What is Wildlife Explorers?
By National Recreation and Park Association | Posted on November 2, 2016
Not having staff with environmental expertise or experience is a real challenge facing park agencies. But we all know that engaging kids in nature is vital for the future sustainability of planet. So NRPA worked with partners to create a truly accessible nature program that addresses some of these key barriers – Wildlife Explorers was born.