If you have not yet scheduled your exam or have the option to reschedule your exam, you can submit the CPRE Exam Extension Application to request a three-month extension of your exam deadline for any reason. Once approved, NRPA will send you a confirmation email with your updated expiration date and PSI Services Professional Testing Company will send you a notice of the extension via email.
If you have experienced a medical, military or personal emergency and have been unable to schedule your exam or missed your exam date, you can apply for a one-year extension by submitting the CPRE Exam Extension Fee Waiver and providing documentation to verify your request.
Forms can be submitted via email to certification@nrpa.org, uploaded to our secure drop box or mailed to the address below.
Mail to:
National Recreation and Park Association
CL# 500007
P.O. BOX 5007
Merrifield, VA 22116-5007
Please contact certification@nrpa.org for more information.